Partnership agreement - Amici di Suor Felicina - ONLUS

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Partnership agreement
Association “Amici di Suor Felicina e dell'Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria - Brasile - ONLUS”

In date 13-03-2007 near the center of the association of voluntary service “Amici di Suor Felicina  dell'Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria - Brasile - ONLUS” in Varese, Stelvio street , n 22 the following siggs are gathered.:


what, of commune accord, stipulates and they are worthwhile how much it follows:

Art. 1 - from the aforesaid comparentis, as partners founders, a free association of voluntary service is constituted to the senses of the law 11 August 1991 ns. 266, having the following denomination: “Amici di Suor Felicina e dell'Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria-ONLUS” and a juridical form of association not recognized denominated.

Art. 2 - the association is a free aggregation of people and doesn't have purpose of profit.

Art. 3 - the association has center in Varese - Stelvio street, 22.

Art. 4 - the association has to exclusive purpose the goal of social solidarity:

A Education
B Assistence and partner-sanitary
C Promotion of the culture and the art
D Beneficence

To such purposes the association can assume all the necessary and fit initiatives, conforming with the
associative statute and the normative that'll be in force.

Art. 5 - the association has lasted boundless in the time.

Art. 6 - the association is apolitic and nondenominational.

Art. 7 - the costituents assume to disciplinary and to regulate the association the Statute that is attached to the present act, to the letter Á., to do integral of it departs and substantial that the same undersign and they approve. The association will have as principles informants, analyzed  in the details of the enclosure social Statute: the absence of ends of profit, the democracy of the structure, the electivity and the hat-money of the associative positions, the hat-money of the performances furnished by the adherent ones and in demand other for the valid constitution of an association having the qualification fiscal non commercial corporate body type associative.

Art. 8
- the presents partners founders approve that the amount of the membership quotas, for the first year, for the association is established in €. 15,00 costituent the social fund, while the following contributions will be established from the Board of directors and ratified by the Ordinary meeting of the partners.

Art. 9
- the costituents establish that the first Board of directors is composed from n. 3 members.


With the signature at the end to the present act, the aforesaid named they accept and they declare that causes of ineligibility don't subsist and in their name or decadence of which to the art. 2382 C.Cs..

Art. 10 - the costituents deliberate that Vice-president's positions, Treasurer and Secretary will be assigned on the occasion of the following first reunion of the Board of directors.

Art. 12 - the costituents confer order to the President for the recording of the present act and the accomplishment of further necessary fulfillments. The first social exercise will be closed December 31 st 2007.
Varese there, March 13 th 2007
Read, approved, confirmed and undersigned:  following signatures
Attached Á. to the letter

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