Statute - Amici di Suor Felicina - ONLUS

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Statute of the association Amici di Suor Felicina e dell'Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria-Brasile - ONLUS
Attached Á. to the Partnership agreement

Constitution - Denomination - Center

Art. 1. It's constituted headquartered in Varese,  - the association of voluntary service denominated  “Amici di Suor Felicina e dell'Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria - Brasile -ONLUS” in conformity with the dictated of the Law 266/91 and the Regional Law of the Voluntary service 22/93 that the qualification attributes it of “Organization of Voluntary service” and that it allows it, once acquired the registration to the General Regional Register of the Organizations of Voluntary service, to be considered ONLUS (non gainful Organization of social utility) to the senses and for the effects of which to the art.10 and followings of the D.Lgs. 4 December 1997 ns. 460. The duration of the association is boundless and connected to perpetuate it some social purpose. The Board of directors, with one deliberation of it, it can move the center within the same city, as well as to also found centers and disconnected sections in the other cities of the Region Lombardy.

Finality and activity

Art. 2. The Association “Amici di Suor Felicina e dell'Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria-Brasile - ONLUS”, more before call for brevity Association, is without thin of profit and with the direct, personal and free action of the proper adherent, it exclusively pursues finality of social solidarity. Particularly the association pursues the following finalities:
A Education
B Assistence and partner-sanitary
C Promotion of the culture and the art
D Beneficence
The association realizes it own purposes with the following activities that are listed to example title:
- Support to the more paupers, particularly to the poorest families and the patients pointed out by the Associaçao Missionària do Coraçao de Maria of Amelia Rodrigues - Brazil;
- Adoptions distance scholasticisms near the philanthropic private school Educandàrio Imaculado Coraçao de Maria of Amelia Rodrigues - Brazil;
- taking care of the edition of periodic presses and not;
- effecting every other fit service to the attainment of the purposes.
For the pursuit of it own purposes the association can also stick besides to other organisms of which it shares finality and methods, as well as to collaborate with public corporations and privacies to the purpose of the attainment of the statutory finalities. The association can develop marginal commercial and productive activity in the ways and in the limits of the normative vigente.

Adherent to the association

Art. 3. There are adherent of the association, all those people that, sharing the purposes of it, intends to undertake himself/herself/themselves for their realization free making available it departs some his/her own leisure time. For the minor partners of age the balloting right will be practiced by his/her parent that manages the paternal authority, or from who of it ago the places. The maintenance of the qualification of adherent to the association is subordinate to the payment of the annual membership fee in the terms prescribed by the meeting. The admission elapses from the date of deliberation of the Board of directors, that has to take in examination the questions of new Adherent to the association, during the first following reunion to the date of presentation, deliberating the registration of it in the register of the adherent ones to the association. The rejection of the question of registration must have communicated in writing to the party specifying the motives of it. In this case the aspirant adherent to the association, within 30 days it has the faculty to introduce appeal to the meeting that he/she will take in examination the application during it first reunion.

Art. 3 bis. The adherent ones to the association divide him in the following categories:
a. founders: they are those people that have founded the association undersigning the partnership agreement;
b. voluntary: they are those people that, sharing the finalities of the association they operate for their attainment, according to his/her own personal abilities and they undersign the membership fees;
c. honorary: they are those people to which the association owes particular thankfulness: you/they are named by the Ordinary meeting according to the suggestion of the CD. The Adherent ones to the association honorary they are exempted by the payment of any contribution, also enjoying of all the rights of the other types of Adherent to the association.

Rights and duties of the adherent ones to the association

Art. 4. The adherent ones to the association have the right to be informed on all the activities and initiatives of the association, to participate with balloting right in the meetings, to be chosen to the social positions and to commonly develop the job agreement. They has, besides, the right to recede, with warning writing than at least 10 days, from the affiliation to the association. The adherent ones to the association have the obligation to respect and to make to respect the norms of the Statute and the possible rules. All the performances furnished by the Adherent ones to the association are free possible reimbursements excepted of the expenses indeed sustained and authorized by the Board of directors.

Art. 5. The quality of adherent to the association loses:
a) for death;
b) for default in the payment of the membership fee;
c) behind presentation of written resignations;
d) for exclusion.
Forgives the quality of Adherent to the association for exclusion those people that are made of actions of indiscipline guilty and/or repeated incorrect behaviors that constitute violation of statutory norms and/or rules inside; or that without suitable reason puts on in condition of prolonged inactivity. The loss of quality of Adherent to the association in the cases a), b) and c). deliberated by the Board of directors, while in case of exclusion, the deliberation of the Board of directors must be ratifies from the first useful Meeting. Against the provision of exclusion the Adherent to the association excluded has 30 days of time to resort to the meeting. There can also stick to the association as supporting all the people that, sharing the ideal of it, damage one economic contribution of theirs in the established terms. The supporters don't have the right of electorate assets and liabilities but they have the right to be informed of the initiatives that come of time in time it undertook from the association.

Membership quotas

Art. 6. The ordinary meeting determines for every year, according to the suggestion of the Board of directors, the membership quotas owed by the Adherent ones to the association. It is faculty of the same to effect further payments in comparison to those in demand minima. The payments of the quotas and the associative contributions are considered to lost fund and therefore I am intrasmissibili and not rivalutabili.

Social organs and Elective Positions

Art. 7.
They are organs of the association: to. the meeting of the adherent ones; b. the Board Direttivo of directors; All the social positions are elective and free; the components the social organs don't receive some emolument or remunerazione, but only reimbursement of the sustained expenses and documented in the interest of the association, preventively authorized by the Board Direttivo of directors.

Meeting of the adherent ones

Art. 8. The meeting is sovereign organ and is composed from all the adherent to the association. The meeting is presided as a rule from the President that it summons her/it: at least once a year, within four months from the closing of the exercise, for the approval of the economic account consuntivo/bilancio, whenever every holds him/it necessary the Board Direttivo of directors, when you/he/she is applied motivates for it from at least a tenth of the associates. To summon the meeting, the Board Direttivo of directors gathers him in session, deliberation the day and the time of the first convocation and the day and the time of the second convocation, that it has to happen at least the following day to the before. The Meetings, both ordinary and extraordinary, they are summoned through dispatch of letter not registered letter or e-mail to all the Adherent to the association, even if I suspended or I excluded waiting for definitive judgment of the meeting, at least 10 days before the anticipated day. The notice of convocation has to contain the day, the time and center of the convocation; the agenda with the points object of the debate. The meeting can be constituted in ordinary and extraordinary form. The ordinary meeting is validly constituted with the presence of the more half one of the Adherent ones to the association, present in really or for delegation to confer him to other adherent, while in second convocation. regularly constituted any is the number of the Adherent ones to the association in really or for delegation. Every adherent you/he/she can be bearer of an only delegation. The deliberations of the ordinary meeting are takings to simple majority of the presents. For the votes he proceeds by show of hands normally. For the election of the social positions he proceeds through the vote by white and black ball on it files. The deliberations are immediately executive and they have to result together with the synthesis of the debate from special record undersigned by the President and by the secretary of the meeting.

Art. 9. The ordinary meeting has the followings assignments:
- to determine the annual membership fee and the last term for their payment;
- to discuss and to approve the economic and financial account; - to define the annual general program of activity;
- to determine the number of the components of the Board Direttivo of directors;
- to elect the members of the Board Direttivo of directors;
- it discusses and it approves the possible rules predisposed by the Board Direttivo of directors for the operation of the association;
- to examine the appeals on the missed admissions of new Adherent to the association;
- to decide on the appeals introduced by the Adherent ones to the association excluded;
- to discuss and to deliberate on the matters set to the Agenda.
The meeting extraordinary deliberation on the change of the Statute; on the breakup of the association and on the devoluzione of the patrimony. For the statutory changes the meeting extraordinary deliberation in presence than at least three quarters of the Adherent ones to the association and with the affirmative vote of the majority of the presents; for the breakup of the association and devoluzione of the patrimony, the meeting extraordinary deliberation with the affirmative vote than at least three quarters of the Adherent ones to the association.

I Recommend Directive

Art. 10. The Board Direttivo of directors is composed from a minimum the three to a maximum of eleven components, elected by the meeting; it lasts reigning 3 years and his/her components I am rieleggibili. The Board Direttivo of directors in his/her first reunion elects among his/her own components the President and a Deputy President. You/he/she is summoned by the President every time that there am subject on which to deliberate, when is done from requires of it at least a bystander of the advisers. The convocation is made through dispatch of letter not registered letter or e-mail at least 10 days before the reunion. The reunions are valid when the majority of the advisers intervenes you. The deliberations are takings to majority of the presents. The votes are clear except in the cases of nominations or however riguardanti the people. The Board Direttivo of directors of the amplest powers is run over for the management of the association: it sets in to be every necessary executive action for the realization of the program of attivit. what reserved am not for law or for statute to the competence of the meeting of the partners. In the specific one:
- it effects all the actions of ordinary and extraordinary administration;
- he/she elects in his/her own breast the President and the Vice-president;
- revocation, for founded motives the President and the Vice-president;
- nomination the treasurer and the secretary;
- it proposes to the meeting the Rule for the operation of the association and the social organs.
- it predisposes the annual program of activity to the meeting;
- it receives the questions of adhesion of new Adherent to the association that welcomes or it throws back;
- ratification and it rejects the provisions of urgency adopted by the President;
- deliberation the provisions of loss of qualification of Adherent to the association, of which to the art. 5;
- deliberation the provisions of exclusion, of which to the art. 5, to submit assembleare to ratification;
- care the execution of the deliberate ones of the meeting;
- annually introduces to the meeting for the approval: the relationship; the economic and financial account of the exercise spent from which you/they have to result the good, the contributions, the received legacies and the expenses for chapters and analytical bawls; as well as the budget for the year in progress;
- he/she confers general and special proxies;
- it assumes and it dismisses possible workhands fixing duties, qualifications and salaries of it.
In case comes to miss in irreversible way one or more advisers, the Board Direttivo of directors provides to it replaces her/it drawing not to the classification of the chosen. Allorch. this was exhausted, index by-elections for the members to be replaced.

The President

Art. 11. The President is chosen from the Board Direttivo of directors among the components to majorities of the votes. The President from execution to the deliberations of the Board Direttivo of directors. The President has the use of the social signature and the legal representation of the association towards third and in judgment. Hard reigning as the Board Direttivo of directors. You/he/she is authorized to receive payments of every nature and to any title from Public Administrations, from Corporate body and from private, releasing liberatorie of it receipts. It has faculty to name lawyers and attorneys in the active and passive quarrels riguardanti the association in front of any authorities judicial and administrative in any degree and judgment. Pu. to delegate part of his/her powers to other advisers or partners with general or special proxy. In case of absence or impediment its duties are practiced by the Deputy President vicar. In front of the adherent ones, to the third and the Public Offices, the deputy's signature President makes full test of the absence for impediment of the President. The President presides the reunions of the meeting and the Board Direttivo of directors. In cases of objective necessity you/he/she can adopt provisions of urgency submitting them to the ratification of the Board Direttivo of directors. If the Board Direttivo of directors, for founded motives, you don't ratify such provisions, of the same the President answers personally.

The Treasurer

Art. 12. The Treasurer is the person responsible of the administrative and financial management of the inherent association the financial year and the estate of the business books. He/she takes care of the editing of the economic and financial account and the budget on the base of the determinations assumed by the Board. Stale the assignments submitted power you/he/she is conferred to the Treasurer to operate with banks and postal offices, understood ivi the faculty to open or to extinguish checking accounts, to sign checks of traenza, to effect collectings, to turn checks for the collection and however to perform every and any operation inherent the duties submitted him by the statutory organs. It has free signature and separated by the President of the Council for amounts whose ceiling is defined by the Board Direttivo of directors.

The Secretary

Art. 13. The Secretary is the person responsible of the editing of the records of the sessions of Board and Meeting that transcribes on the special books together submitted to his/her custody to the book of the Adherent ones to the association.

Patrimony, social exercise and budget

Art. 14. The social exercise has elapsed since 1. January to 31 December of every year. Within 30 April of every year the Board, introduces for the approval to the ordinary meeting: the moral relationship; the economic and financial account of the departed exercise, from which you/they will have to result the good, the contributions or the received legacies; as well as the budget for the year in progress. For the realization of the institutional purposes the association has the followings entrances:
a. membership fees;
b. contributions of the adherent ones;
c. contributions of privacies;
d. contributions of the State, of Corporate body or of public Institutions finalized to the support of specifications and documented activity or projects;
e. contributions of international organisms;
f. donations and testamentary legacies;
g. consequential reimbursements from conventions;
h. consequential entrances from possible connected activities directly and accessorie;
i. consequential proceeds from occasional public harvests of funds.
j. consequential entrances from possible marginal commercial and productive activities;
k. every other entrance that to any title reaches to the association.
The social patrimony is constituted from:
a) real estate and furniture;
b) actions, obligations and other public and private titles;
c) donations, legacies or successions;
d) other billetings and property availability.
The social patrimony must be uses, according to the laws vigenti, in the most opportune way for the attainment of the finalities of the association. The social quotas are intrasferibili. In case of resignations, exclusion or death of an Adherent to the association, its social quota remains of ownership of the association. You/he/she is made absolute prohibition to distribute, also in indirect way, profits and leftovers of management as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the organization. Possible leftovers of management must have employed for the realization of the institutional attivitivitàs foreseen by the statute, and of those to them directly connected.

Breakup of the association and devoluzione of the good

Art. 15. The breakup of the association is decided by the meeting that it gathers him in extraordinary form. To deliberate the breakup of the association and the devoluzione of the relative patrimony the affirmative vote is needed than at least three quarters of the associates. In case of breakup, for any cause it happens, the patrimony of the association, deduced the passivities, you/he/she will be devolved to other non gainful Organizations of social utility or to thin of public utility, felt the regulatory agency of which to the art. 3, paragraph 190, of the Law December 23 rd 1996, n. 662, salute different destination imposed by the law. In any case good, profits and reserves can be distributed to the adherent ones to the association.

Final norm

Art. 16. The present Statute must be observes as fundamental action of the association. For how much expressly foreseen not by the present Statute, from the inside rules, he makes reference to the vigentis legislative dispositions in subject nonch. to the norms of the Civil code.
Varese there, OMISSIS
Bed, confirmed and undersigned

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